

Candler Park Fall Festival

It's officially fall and I've come to find that in Atlanta, this means fall festivals galore.  The various communities throughout the Atlanta area are obviously very aware that this time of year is their Goldilocks zone for outdoor festivities.  Not too hot, not too cold, just right.  So I decided to hop on the train and hit the first fall festival of the season in Candler Park, a beautiful, quaint, historic neighborhood, with charming and picturesque homes, well-kept and mostly from the 20's,

I had never been to this part of town, so was actually pretty happy that there was a nice little walk from the train station.  Especially since I found my dream house along the way.

I got a closer look at it on the other side of the road on my way back and I'm pretty sure it has antique glass in the windows too.  It's perfect.

I wouldn't mind this beauty either.

Even though it hasn't quite hit 'full on fall' here yet, there were still some signs with leaves on the road and a few trees just starting to show a little color.

After my pleasant little walk through the neighborhood, I came upon the entrance to the park, which is as every bit as scenic as the streets surrounding it.  But before I got a good look at the park I took a stroll through the festival to see what it was all about.

It was a real community event with live music, picnicking families, artists, food trucks and dogs, lots and lots and lots of super cute dogs.

After doing a lap around the festival area I decided to do a little exploring around the park to see what the other areas looked like.

There was trails and playgrounds, a golf course and more cute dogs (not pictured).  It's a beautiful little park and certainly worth a visit, bonus points for being close to the train station, double bonus points for being surrounded by a equally as charming and beautiful neighborhood.

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