

Sweetwater Creek State Park

Just to the west of Atlanta lies Sweetwater Creek State Park.  A natural, historical, and cultural conservation area that boasts a long and storied history; the ruins of which can still be seen in the state park.

After being told my dog Max and I had to be out of the apartment for 8 hours while they fixed my tub I decided it was the perfect time to go on a little exploratory hiking adventure through the Georgia wilderness.  So we packed a lunch and hit the road to Sweetwater Creek State Park.

 When I told him we were going to be spending the whole day in the park Max was admittedly a little dubious.  But there was a lot to see and we powered through the big loop trail.

But first the mill ruins.

The ruins of the Civil War era mill appear pretty early on along the trail.  It seems at some point you were able to walk down amongst the mill ruins but a fence has been put up to keep people out due to poor structural integrity.

It is a sight to see, nonetheless and still impressively looms over the river, making it the perfect spot to stop and take pictures while boring your dog to death.

The trail has a lot of variation, which is good when you're spending the day walking it.  We got to spend time walking along the creek and even had to scale some rocks.  Which consisted of me carrying Max up some rocks and then him pretending to be a hard core adventure pup as usual.

We spent the rest of our afternoon winding ourselves deeper into the woods and across one grasslands area back to the parking lot.  Needless to say we were both a little pooped after our day and the woods and Max was shooting me dirty looks the rest of the day.

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